My offerings as a midwife
If you have national health insurance these are the following:
- Antenatal (prenatale) appointments: we can discuss any question concerning the pregnancy
- Antenatal (prenatale) course: preparation for the delivery and the time afterwards (either you and your partner or together with other English speakers)
- Postnatal care: I will come to your home and visit you after the delivery of the baby mainly until the baby is 12 weeks old and then if needed up to 9 months or until you stop breastfeeding.
- Postnatal exercise class: at the Familienzentrum in Paunsdorf, Wiesenstr. 20, www.mütterzentrum-leipzig.de
If you have private insurance you need to ask the insurance company what they cover and we can discuss the details.
In any way feel free to contact me on the phone: 0341-2346669 or mobile 01718894668
or send me an E-mail using the Contact-Page.